Who is Daniel McCarthy?

Daniel McCarthy is an American businessman turned political leader in Arizona who ran for United States Senate in 2020. Fraud occurred in Daniel’s 2020 republican primary election so Daniel & his team immediately began to warn the Trump Team and try to stop the steal which was about to occur in the 2020 General Election. Daniel McCarthy saw first hand just how deep the swamp runs. There is a crime syndicate being operated through our government and both political parties.
Daniel McCarthy’s political activism has arguably done more than any other person or group to strengthen Arizona’s conservative values.
Daniel McCarthy & his team wrote the most comprehensive Election Integrity Bill in the country – HB2289: One Day, One Vote, On Paper, In Person, No Machines, No Mail-in Ballots!
Educated Republicans across the state on the dangers of Red Flag Laws and built the opposition necessary to defeat the plans to pass Red Flag Laws in Arizona
Coalesced 2nd Amendment groups and legislators around legislation that codified our state's right against an unconstitutional federal Red Flag Law from being enforced in Arizona
Led the resistance against lockdowns, mask mandates & vaccine passports
Rallied public to pressure the legislature to pass true election reform in Arizona
Constitutionally challenged the outcome of the 2020 election — with document of decertification
Drafted the legislation which became law that prohibits the state from requiring businesses to enforce mask mandates
Ran the only anti-lockdown, anti-mask, pro-life, pro-2A Senate campaign in the country
Funded the Patriot Party of Arizona to restore & maintain constitutional conservatism in Arizona
Organized recall to collect 25K signatures to recall corrupt Republican RINO Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers
Daniel McCarthy has four amazing teenage children and is married to conservative activist & independent journalist Maggie McCarthy. He is a devout follower of Jesus Christ.